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Category: Integrated Communication

Integrated Communication

Stop saying this to PR pros

So you hired us…because we know stuff. We clearly have a track record of success in public relations or you never would have come to

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Integrated Communication

Worst Content Advice Ever Given

Content rules the world, you know this, your mom knows this, hell…even your dog knows it. Content done well, can drive sales, build brand awareness

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Integrated Communication

Building an integrated campaign

Team 834 is working with our local community theatre on the promotion of an unknown play that deals with some very real but difficult issues.

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Integrated Communication

The power of visual content

Designing is not a skill I possess. I do, however, understand the importance of integrating visual content into every aspect of your communication tools. A

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Integrated Communication

How is your brand perceived?

I had a conversation with a friend, and someone I respect immensely professionally, about a company’s brand and how it is interpreted across all channels.

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Integrated Communication

Lipstick is not the solution

I have been waiting for 10 YEARS for an article that accurately depicts integrated communications (thank Brian) and why it is the ONLY way agencies

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