Ladies Listen Up
It is time for you to dig deep, find intention and purpose, evaluate and grow, and most importantly take the reins of your life. I hope you find inspiration to do all those things and more here.

The No-BS Guide to Business Travel (From Women Who Actually Know)
Look, I travel a lot. Like, a LOT lot. And after years of trial and error (and some spectacularly bad packing decisions), I’ve got my

Life is short – Dirty dogs and Cabin Life
You know how people say “life is short,” all the time? Well, it really hit me this week. A person I had a massive amount

Stop taking us for granted.
The holidays, am I right? What a shitshow. I like to give so much I have nothing left, then I’m resentful and bitter. Good times.

Know Your Worth
Someone reached out to me last week needing marketing support for a new business and said the budget was $300 a month. I went back

Hi, I'm Kim!
Writer of musings.
Thank you for being here. For being open to being a part of an exploration of all things small business.
Mostly thanks for tuning into the musings.