Tips & Tricks
Tips & tricks of small business from a small business owner. Be inspired, think big, and cut yourself some slack.

It’s ok to ask for help
I made the decision to go see a business coach/counselor/therapist – whatever you want to call it….and it was the best. Granted, I’ve gone once

Is gratitude extinct?
Is gratitude lost in todays society, never to be found again? Am I jaded in thinking that younger professionals want things handed to them without

Let’s negotiate
Negotiation is a part of every aspect of our life. In your personal life it could be trying to get your spouse to do a

It’s on you to grow your network
Hello everyone seeking a job, connection, friend, mentor, advice – stop bugging everyone. Make it happen yourself. No one owes you anything. They certainly don’t

How to give a memorable interview
We are in the process of hiring our summer interns for 834 which means lots and lots of interviews. Every interview we give is treated

Hosting a successful meeting
No lie, this is mapped out in our standard operating procedures. I absolutely hate meetings to have meetings, you can feel the productivity just sucked

Hi, I'm Kim!
Writer of musings.
Thank you for being here. For being open to being a part of an exploration of all things small business.
Mostly thanks for tuning into the musings.