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Complete Randomness

Complete Randomness is just that – a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Explore thoughts and ideas and maybe even gain a new perspective! You never know where the randomness will take you.

Complete Randomness

Let’s get old together

I turned 40 last week, and no this is not some blog manifesto…so just calm down. I’m not sure when getting older became such an

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Listen up ladies

I just got back from a relaxing vacation with my girlfriends, we spent our days laying on the beach, sipping cocktails and reading. Instead of

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Complete Randomness

Things to do during Snowmageddeon

Dear Michiganders, We find ourselves, once again, in the midst of a blustery winter storm (Snowmageddeon) that has seemingly caught us by surprise…even though it

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Complete Randomness

Self-care and the holidays

First off, I hate the word self-care, so I am annoyed I used it in the title to this blog. It is, however, the quickest

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Hi, I'm Kim!
Writer of musings.

Thank you for being here. For being open to being a part of an exploration of all things small business.

Mostly thanks for tuning into the musings.

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