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Cut yourself some slack

Coming back from a holiday weekend is kind of a nightmare. I woke up this a.m. completely overwhelmed with all the things I needed to get done and a foreboding about all the meetings my dumba** decided to line up on the day after a holiday weekend (who does that). I figured, let’s procrastinate a bit more by writing this blog on cutting yourself some slack.

Here is how you survive this Monday disguised as a Tuesday.

  • Drink at least a gallon of coffee before you even think of looking at those emails…I promise you’ll be so highly caffeinated you will be too worried about your skyrocketing heart rate to even flinch at the hundreds of unread emails.
  • Reschedule those damn meetings. After the holiday weekend you is smarter than before the holiday weekend you. I don’t care what excuses you come up with, they don’t even have to be good…it’s worth it to retain whatever sanity you have left after a 4-day weekend.
  • Review all the overdue tasks you were supposed to get done before the 4-day holiday weekend then breath into a paper bag. Once you’ve concluded with your anxiety attack, write down the 3 things you absolutely have to get done today.
  • Start drinking some water, your liver will thank you.
  • Pet a dog.
  • Take to social media and Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Tweet your stress of this Monday disguised as a Tuesday. The camaraderie will do you good, and you’ll realize you are not alone.
  • Read blogs similar to this about surviving a 4-day weekend. Be sure to share this one, this stellar advice will really help them.
  • Be sure to phone a friend to also talk about how overwhelmed you are.

Finally, once you are done procrastinating, it should be around 5:00 p.m. and you’ve successfully postponed the inevitable until the following day.


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