I suck at change, which is rather ironic when you are a small business owner. Change is the norm. Over the years, I have adapted several ‘coping’ mechanisms to offset my OCD tendencies.
Find a sounding board:
When I am hit with something unexpected, I immediately phone a friend. I let that person know what my gut reaction is and how I want to immediately respond. That individual then talks me off the ledge and encourages me to find a more rational solution.
Walk away:
If you know your response is going to be ugly or if you are simply at a loss for words…just walk away. Smile, nod and say “well this comes as a surprise, I am going to need sometime to process this information.” There is no better answer in the immediacy then simply “I don’t know.”
Once you receive the information, whatever it may be, just sit down and think. I usually write up the top 3 things that terrify me about the ‘change’ and then the possible solutions to those changes. When you take a break and just sit down by yourself, you suddenly realize you might actually know a little bit about what you are doing.
Google it:
Go ahead and laugh…but I swear their is nothing the Google can’t solve. There is always a company or individual out there that is having the same challenge as you and took to the Internet to voice their frustrations.
Deep breath:
Just the other day, I went for a walk to clear my head. I took deep breaths and tried to enjoy the crisp Fall air. Change your surroundings and give yourself a change of pace. When you feel like you have hit a wall, just breath.
It is a constant struggle for me to accept change. The following quote from Reinhold Niebuhr, a U.S. theologian, really hits the nail on the head for me.
Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
How do you cope with change?