Forget the iPhone X (save a grand)

I have a Mac, an iPhone, an Apple TV, an iPad and all the accessories; suffice to say I am an avid Apple product user…however I cannot possibly fathom paying $999 for a PHONE. Writing this is blasphemy to all other Apple consumers but it’s time to stop the madness (said in a very dramatic British accent).

Releasing a new phone every year, when the existing models are so buggy and we all dread the ios update, is a backwards business model. Obviously, Apple will go out of business soon, it’s not like they have billions of dollars or anything.

Here are my suggestions of the top 10  (8 – I ran out of ideas) things you can do in place of buying the iPhone X.

  1. Purchase 2 or 3 refurbished or new ‘older’ iPhones. Give to a friend – like me, we’re friends, right?
  2. Bring me out for 10 consecutive dinners or buy me 106 bags of pizza rolls (you’ll want to check my math).
  3. Book a trip through Southwest, not only is this a company I hugely admire but they always have amazing deals available through their website. For example, book a flight + hotel package of $750 value and they’ll give you $200 in savings. Wouldn’t you rather a trip then a phone that will never take you anywhere? I’ll open my schedule up to ensure you have a fantastic time.
  4. Launch a LinkedIn ad campaign that advertises how amazing you are. Grow your network and open up new career or connection possibilities.
  5. Invite 1000 friends to subscribe to my blog. Currently I have 30 subscribers, was 31, but Mike unsubscribed last week – thanks Mike (I know where you work).
  6. Donate $1,000 to charity – wait, I mean $999. Might I suggest Vicky’s Pet Connection? Jimmy Lab will thank you.
  7. Sign-up to sell LuLaRoe – what is better than selling leggings (or whatever they sell – it isn’t Tupperware, is it?) I hear they are doing well for themselves.
  8. Adopt a dog. Might I suggest adopting 4? $999 will go along way in buying dog food.

I feel there is a lesson in this blog post somewhere, but it escapes me. Perhaps it is that I am funny and we should be friends.

What do you think?

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