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Too Much

Woman on golf course

If I had a dime for every time someone referred to me as “too much,” I’d have a pretty decent chunk of change. Like…what does that even mean?

Often-used words or phrases I’ve become intimately familiar with:

  • Scary
  • Acquired taste
  • Abrasive
  • Aggressive
  • Loud
  • A lot
  • Intimidating


I’d be lying if I didn’t admit these words stung at times, but as I’ve progressed in my career there is also a certain level of pride I associate with them. Being too much has helped me stand out in a room, it’s drawn people to me and it’s given me a personal brand that is all my own.

I won’t make myself smaller to make you more comfortable. Who I am, faults and all have paved my way in life – success, failure, and everything in between.

If you are also struggling, ask yourself “Am I too much, or are they just not enough?”

I’ve come to realize that labelers are often intimidated, threatened, or jealous. If you chose to be “less”, who benefits? It certainly isn’t you.

Standing out in a crowd is something to be proud of, don’t ever apologize for taking up space.

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Hi, I'm Kim!
Writer of musings.

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