What’s that smell? A lesson in teamwork

I was reminded the other day of the power of teamwork and what can be accomplished when we work together. Around 3:00 a.m. this past weekend, Joey (one of 7 Bode dogs), was sprayed by a skunk. Josh (the husband) set out to gather the needed supplies (and no it isn’t tomato juice). I set out vinegar to absorb the smell in the house, turned on all the fans, threw baking soda on everything, Febreze’d, lit every candle in the house and corralled the rest of the dogs.

We donned gloves and proceeded to scrub Joey down with the concoction 4 times, and then bathed Joey in baking soda. As you can imagine, it was a tedious and smelly process, but we tackled it together.

It was a great reminder of how much more we can achieve by putting aside our pride and stubbornness and admitting we need help. Too often we have to be forced into working with someone, which was the case this past weekend. Ask yourself, how much more could you accomplish if you worked in tangent with another individual? Our best ideas are often built on other people’s ideas, and we can tackle so much more if we lean on each other.

Another word of advice, don’t let your dog out at 3:00 a.m., just don’t.

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