Worst Content Advice Ever Given

Top-10-reasons-to-be-blogging-imageContent rules the world, you know this, your mom knows this, hell…even your dog knows it. Content done well, can drive sales, build brand awareness and has countless other benefits. Every blogger, marketer and Joe Blow has advice on blogging and generating content. So, before you believe Daryl in the cubicle next to you, check out the best worst advice ever given and do the opposite.

  1. Write it like a research paper. Lots of words and words and words. Everyone loves reading boring papers. Truth: Even your professor hates it.
  2. Content is only written. Video, infographics, images don’t count in a content plan. The more words the better, think 1500 or more. Truth: Everyone loves a good meme, gif or infographic. Pictures are fun.
  3. Frequency is overrated. Your readers like to search for your content and be surprised when it will post. It’s like a fun scavenger hunt with no prizes. Truth: Post the same time every week, preferably 2 posts a week.
  4. People will find your content. No need to share on social media, include in your email signature, send out an email blast or promote through additional channels. Truth: Every time you publish a blog, it needs to be shared on every social channel you are on. Schedule out an email blast once a month that outlines all the blogs published within the last 30 days.
  5. Optimization isn’t important. SEO is totally just a fad. Also, the internet probably won’t be around much longer. Truth: Each of your posts should be built on keywords relevant to the topic you are writing on.
  6. Planning is silly. No need to develop a calendar that outlines topics you will cover for 3 to 6 to 12 months. Truth: Um..yes, you need a plan to build the foundation. Create categories that relate to the topics you are writing on.
  7. Take content from other sources. Plagiarizing isn’t frowned upon, it is welcomed! Take that content from another blog site and publish as your own – good job you saved yourself considerable time. Truth: All content we generate is influenced by something we have read or seen, however the words need to be your own. If you want to share an article, then link to the original source and share your thoughts on the article.

The impact that blogs deliver and continue to deliver via website traffic and valuable information to site visitors is huge. Make sure the advice your following is tested and don’t listen to anyone named, Daryl.

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