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Screwing up and moving on

I failed today in setting an example, in leading, in following our core values. I let frustration and stress get the better of me. Want to know the great thing about it? I have another chance to get it right. Tomorrow is a new day.

Owning and running a business is tough and you are going to screw up. Admitting the mess ups and then moving on is the only choice you have.

We are human and we are not perfect and I’m telling you right now, it’s ok. Moving forward means taking the right steps to get past it.

  1. Admit your failure. Once you acknowledge it, you can move on.
  2. Do better. If you know what you screwed up, don’t make the same mistake again. Get in the right head space and tell yourself tomorrow is another day and another chance to get it right.
  3. Fake it. Slap a smile on your face and set an example.
  4. Reflect. Take time in the evening to really truly reflect, ask yourself: “What could I have done differently?”
  5. Give yourself a break. No one is perfect and owning a business is really hard. There is a loneliness that is impossible to explain and you are going to have bad days and hard days and really, really shitty days.

Be nice to yourself and strive to do better, that is all anyone can ask of you.

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